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How to add an A-record to the personal account?

You should first check the NSs (Nameservers) that are configured in the personal account for the domain name: >> go to the section called «Domains», >> then click on the wrench icon >> next to the desired domain, then go to the «Name-servers» section.

You should first check the NSs (Nameservers) that are configured in the personal account for the domain name: >> go to the section called «Domains», >> then click on the wrench icon >> next to the desired domain, then go to the «Name-servers» section.

If NSs (Nameservers) are set by default: ns.adamant.net., ns3.adamant.net., ns5.adamant.net., then A-record should be added/changed in the personal account.

Otherwise, when NSs (Nameservers) are set different from the above, and they send the domain name to any hosting server (shared web hosting), then it will be necessary to configure A-record in the control panel on that hosting where they direct it.

For example, if NSs (Nameservers) are configured as follows: nsda6.adamant.ua. and ns6.adamant.ua., they direct the domain to the hosting server DA6 (shared web hosting), and it will be necessary to add or edit A-record in the control panel on this hosting server, not in the personal account.

How to add an A-record to the personal account?

Select the section called >> «Domains», then click on the key icon next to the selected domain name, then select the menu item «DNS Management» on the left side, where You can add an A-record.

  1. Press button «Add record»;
  2. Click the arrow icon next to «Type» item to open the list
  3. Select type «А» to add IPv4 address
  1. Enter the domain in the «Name» field
  2. Specify the required IPv4 address in the «RDATA» field
  3. Carefully check the correctness of the completed information, if everything is correct, then click «Add record«

It can take up to 72 hours for DNS servers to fully update the new records, and some servers will be able to see new information within 4 to 8 hours.