We are 32 years old!

Stable and quality Internet Services for everyone!

Home networks
  • Mon-Fri:
Technical Support
  • Round the clock 24/7/365

Social orientation

We are aware of corporate social responsibility and we support, therefore, projects in the field of education and culture, as well as innovative projects.
The company cooperates with charitable foundations, non-profit public organizations, takes an active civil position to build of a modern Ukrainian information society.

United general educational information space

  • Informatization program for schools in Kyiv

    The first pilot project was launched in Darnitskyi district of the capital of Ukraine in 2006 with the support of Darnitskyi district State Administration of Kyiv. Each school within the program gets access to a high-speed communication channel, e-mail addresses, as well as the ability to host its own website on the Internet.
    Informatization program for schools in Kyiv
  • Internet Olympiad among the Kiev schools

    The project was implemented in 2004 with the support of the Main Board of Education in the city of Kiev. The main goal of the project is to increase the level of knowledge of schoolchildren about the worldwide Internet. The tasks covered various aspects of working on the Internet – from finding necessary information to assessing existing Internet resources, and creating your own web page.
    Internet Olympiad among the Kiev schools
  • Competition for the best website of an educational institution

    “Adamant” since 2010 is a regular partner and sponsor of the contest for the best website of the educational institution. The importance of the contest is to promote the latest technologies in the field of education. Thanks to information technology, one can not only acquire knowledge, but also transfer it to others and learn.
    Competition for the best website of an educational institution

Support of innovative projects

  • Competition “Laboratory of Ideas” in NTU KPI (2006-2007)

    Adamant supported young inventors who demonstrate non-standard, innovative approaches to solving problems in any field of activity.
    Competition “Laboratory of Ideas” in NTU KPI (2006-2007)
  • Competition of the all-Ukrainian magazine “Expert”: “Expert-Innovations” (2006)

    Among the participants of the project are recognized innovators: research institutes, research laboratories, development teams. Expert evaluation of innovative projects was carried out, nominees and winners were awarded. Adamant conducted a live Internet broadcast of the awards ceremony.
    Competition of the all-Ukrainian magazine “Expert”: “Expert-Innovations” (2006)
  • Telemedicine project “Unified international telecommunication space”

    Since 2007, the project unites information systems of leading domestic and world medical institutions in a single information space. Adamant provides clinics with high-speed Internet access channels, provides equipment that supports the exchange of medical data and allows for video conferences, web conferences and online broadcasts.
    Telemedicine project “Unified international telecommunication space”


  • Musical evenings in St. Andrew’s Church

    Concerts of classical music, conducted by the Ukrainian Philharmonic Society. One of the first music projects that has been broadcast on the Internet since 2002.
    Musical evenings in St. Andrew’s Church
  • International Festival “Youth” and International Documentary Film Festival “Contact”

    Adamant annually supports an unforgettable holiday for film amateurs of Ukraine. Since 2006, the film festivals “Youth” and “Contact” can be watched on the Internet online.
    International Festival “Youth” and International Documentary Film Festival “Contact”

Special tariffs for home network

  • “Social” tariff plan

    Tariff, which gives an opportunity to socially unprotected layers of the population to get access to the Internet at minimal prices.
    “Social” tariff plan