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How to change PHP version?

In cPanel, switching between PHP versions 5.4, 5.6, 7.0 and 7.2 is available via MultiPHP Manager.

In cPanel, switching between PHP versions 5.4, 5.6, 7.0 and 7.2 is available via MultiPHP Manager.

The following versions of PHP are currently available:

  • DirectAdmin / DA3: PHP 7.2.7 and PHP 7.1.19
  • DA6: PHP 5.3.29
  • DA7: PHP 5.4.31
  • DA8: PHP 7.0.7 and PHP 5.6.22


Switching between PHP versions 5.4, 5.6, 7.0 and 7.2 is available via MultiPHP Manager.

To change the PHP version, You have to open a ticket and specify which PHP version You need.

After that, a new account will be created on another server with the appropriate version of PHP, You will need to transfer all the information to the new account within 14 days, after which the old account will be deleted.

Please pay ATTENTIO to the fact that we do not transfer clients' websites because we did not create these websites and do not know their full architecture, but we are ready to advise You if You have questions during the data transfer process.

In order to successfully migrate Your websites from one server to another, You need to:

  1. Download the resources of Your website to Your computer from the old server:
    1. Log in to DirectAdmin on the old server using the old credentials.
    2. Use the «Backup site» item to create a backup copy for all domains (the result is in the form of an archive).
    3. Use «MySQL Management» to download the database backup directly to Your computer.
    4. Connect via FTP (Filezilla and Total Commander — the most popular programs for this) using Your access credentials (the password for FTP may be changed in the appropriate section DirectAdmin) to the old server. Your backup copy of the website will be in the backups folder
  2. Download backups from Your computer to the new server:
    1. Connect via FTP to the new server with the credentials that were sent to You in a separate email recently.
    2. Also create a backups folder in the root of the account on the new server and put there the archive with the files of Your website.
    3. In DirectAdmin, upload the backup of the database to the server through the same item «MySQL Management».

This should be enough to deploy Your website on a new hosting server and its full-fledged further work.

Also ask when/if there are difficulties at any of these stages — we will be happy to help You.