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Features of registration, renewal, deletion of domain names

Features of registration, renewal, deletion of domain names


Domain names are registered for a certain period of time. In order to continue using the domain name, the registrant must pay for its renewal before the registration expiration date.

Renewal is available throughout the domain registration period, provided that after the renewal, the maximum registration period set by the administrator of the respective zone will not be exceeded.

Renewal is performed at the price that will be valid at the time of renewal and may differ from the price in effect at the time of initial domain registration.

Notifications of the expiration of the registration period shall be sent to the contact e-mail address of the domain registrant starting from the 30th day before the end of the registration period. Failure to receive the notice does not relieve the registrant of the obligation to renew the domain name in a timely manner.

On the day of registration expiration, the domain is transferred to the status Client Hold and excluded from DNS (website, e-mail and other services stop working). If there is a technical ability and support from the zone administrator, we may, but are not obliged to, provide the registrant with an additional «grace period» to renew the domain after the registration period. The duration of the grace period is usually 27 days (it may be different or absent in different areas).

At the end of the grace period, the domain is removed. Therefore, to avoid unintentional domain removal, we recommend to renew domain names in advance.

Redemption Grace Period

Some domain zone administrators allow the domain to be renewed after it is removed during the so-called Redemption Grace Period, which is usually 30 days.

The cost of renewal of the domain name from Redemption Grace Period status is 5 times more.

If the domain has not been renewed during the Redemption Grace Period, the possibility of renewal is blocked and after 5 days the domain becomes available for re-registration.

Special circumstances

The registrar reserves the right not to delete the domain name after the expiration of the registration period in the following cases:

  • in the presence of a dispute under the UDRP procedure;
  • by court decision;
  • if the continuation process fails, if the domain is used as a nameserver for third parties;
  • if the registrant is undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, in the presence of disputes over the receipt or amount of payment;
  • if the domain is subject to court proceedings, and other circumstances approved by ICANN.