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How do I register a domain in the pp.ua zone?

If You have registered the domain in the .PP.UA zone, it will not start working until You confirm the domain registration.

To register a domain in the .PP.UA zone, please read Domain Rules

The confirmation code is sent in the form of an SMS message to Your mobile phone.

To activate the domain with an SMS code, please follow the link.

If You have not received the SMS, we recommend using the second method of activation — using the Telegram bot.
You can activate the .PP.UA domain in Telegram by following these steps:

  • Add @ppuabot to Your contact list, and if You are using the web version of the program, follow the link https://telegram.me/ppuabot
  • Find the «START» button in the dialog with it, click it, You will see the message:
    «We need to know your phone number. Please press 'Send phone number' button.»
  • Click on the «Send phone number» button and enter Your phone number.
  • Then You will see the message «Please select function you wish to execute».
  • Select «Activate domain»
  • In response to the message «Let me know what domain do you want to activate?» enter Your domain name (without http: //, www)
  • Click «Yes». The answer should be this:
    «Your request is being processed …
    The domain (your domain) successfully activated.
    Enjoy but do not forget about PP.UA policy and registrant contact data usage you agreed.
    Please select function you wish to execute».

After these actions, the domain is activated automatically.